When you buy glasses, you choose between different color options and styles for the frame. You also might choose different lens types, or features. The details of your prescription, however, are left up to your optometrist and optician. If you’ve ever looked at a copy of your prescription, you might wonder what all those letters and numbers mean. Those letters and numbers tell your optician precisely what style and strength to include in your lenses.
In the world of vision correction, there are four main lens types that your eye doctor in West Hills, NY can write to help you see better. A short online search would give you an incredible amount of information about the different lens prescriptions available from the providers in Suffolk. Since so much information can quickly get confusing and overwhelming, let’s discuss the options and how they are used to serve New York patients.
Types of Prescription Glasses
Single Vision
The most commonly used lens is the single vision lens. Single vision means that the lens in your prescription glasses offers one prescription strength across the entire lens. These lenses are typically used to treat one specific vision problem or when a few more minor problems can all be treated with one strength in the lens. Your optometrist commonly uses single vision lenses for treating astigmatism, farsightedness, or nearsightedness.
Bi means two, and bifocal lenses are used when there is a combination of vision problems that require two different strengths in your prescription glasses.
On bifocal lenses, each lens is typically split into two sections with a distinct line between the two areas. This line helps the user distinguish between the sections. The lens’s upper area is typically used for far vision, while the bottom is used for near vision.
Bifocals tend to become necessary when the eyes are struggling to change focus as they switch from one distance to another.
Trifocal lenses are very similar to bifocals. However, instead of having two different strengths, these lenses have three. Trifocal can be prescribed if you need additional help in the intermediate area of vision (between far and near).
Traditionally the lenses are constructed just like bifocals, with lines distinguishing between each area of the lens. However, these lenses have a third, smaller section in the center of the lens that provides that coverage for the intermediate area.
Progressive lenses can be used for any prescription that requires more than one strength meaning they can have either two or three sections depending on what you need. Unlike traditional bifocals or trifocals, these multi-focal lenses do not have distinct separation lines between the lens’s different areas. Because of this, they offer some wearers in Suffolk a smoother transition between each area of the lens.
Reading Glasses
This last type of glasses is typically available without a prescription from your optometrist. Reading glasses are available at a large number of stores in West Hills, NY. They do contain varying prescription strength lenses and are designed to help primarily with near vision. As a person ages, the lenses in their eyes can become more rigid, affecting the ability to see a close range. Reading glasses can be a big help when this starts to occur.
What Kind of Glasses Are Right For Me?
Eyeglasses are meant to improve the vision of those who wear them. Thanks to new technology, there are many different types of prescription glasses and lenses available. Modern eyeglass lenses are often as unique as the person who is wearing them. This means that the only person who can tell you what type of prescription glasses you need is a Long Island eye care professional.
Anytime you are concerned about a vision problem, you should schedule an appointment with your West Hills optometrist so they can help you address it. An eye exam can usually tell your Suffolk eye doctor exactly what kind of prescription glasses will work the best to correct your vision. Your optometrist will also want to look at your eyes directly to rule out any medical concerns that might be causing your vision issues. If a routine eye exam in West Hills, NY, discovers any of these medical concerns, they might refer you to an ophthalmologist or adjust their treatment plan.
If you have any questions or concerns about your prescription or lenses, contact North Shore Advanced Eye Care by calling our office at 631-642-2020. At North Shore Advanced Eye Care, we use state-of-the-art technology to complete your eye exam, ensuring your finished glasses are the right prescription for your unique eyes. Visit our website at https://www.nsaec.com for more details on what our exams include.